Workbook 1

I have decided to learn some Gothic. The following is my answers to this sheet. My French teacher would weep knowing I am learning Gothic instead of revitalizing my five years worth of French memories

Text 1

"Hello, my King!" he said

He is for Alaric

(I think it might translate more into "For he is Alaric" but I don't know)


Grammar question

Text 2

Alaric was a man, he was king

He heard that a wolf comes. Comes and kills

What should Alaric do now?

(I didn't really understand this one with much clarity)


Repetition Exercise

Grammar Questions

Text 3

"Where is your father?" said Alaric

but he said "I don't know"

Then he asked him, Alaric, "What did you say?"

"I don't know" said the man

"From where you are, from where is your father, then?" he asked

He laughed at Alaric(?)